Monday, September 8, 2008

Adams Street Clean-Up

We have spent a lot of time talking to the residents affected by the sewerage back-up on Adams Street. The general consensus seems to be great appreciation for the Mayor and Council. While other towns would have told residents to deal with the sewage in their basements themselves, Glen Ridge government partnered with residents from day one. We would be remiss if we did not specifically mention that Councilman Dawson has been repeatedly praised for being on scene throughout the crisis.

Residents tell us that their concerns now are about being made whole. Homes have been damaged, precious possessions ruined; and residents are not clear on the process by which their claims will be resolved by the Borough.

We’d like to hear from you about your thoughts on how the crisis has been handled to date, and your concerns about the future on this issue. And please don’t hesitate to compliment the Mayor, Councilman Dawson or anyone else if you want to – enough muck has been thrown already (if you will pardon the pun).

1 comment:

bookmarc said...

I am guessing that the fact that you deleted my original reply to you indicates that you are a part of the current system, and have to go along with the current contracts. Too bad.